


Postdoctoral Scholar


Irvine, California
Salary commensurate with experience.
April 12 2016
June 07 2016
Position Type
Full Time
Job Type

Postdoctoral Scholar positions are available in the Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology, University of California at Irvine, in the laboratories of Christine Gall or Gary Lynch. Successful applicants have the opportunity to work on one or more projects directed at the following topics: differentiation of synaptic signal transduction and plasticity across the nodes of the cortico-hippocampal network; neuromodulators (e.g. estrogen, endocannabinoids) and synaptic plasticity; impaired spine actin regulation in models of cognitive disorders such as fragile X syndrome. Methods to be used include field and clamp electrophysiological recording, optogenetic stimulation, DREADDS, fluorescence deconvolution tomography, behavioral tasks, and genomic manipulations. Individuals with experience in slice electrophysiology and data analysis are especially encouraged to apply. Start date is negotiable. Salaries are commensurate with experience based on the NIH scale.

Requirements: Candidates should have a Ph.D. in neuroscience, or a related field. Experience in at least one of the techniques described above is essential, and experience with microscopy or programming (Matlab, Python) is desired, and should be discussed in the research statement. We seek highly motivated individuals with solid problem solving abilities and communications skills.