


Postdoctoral Position: Molecular and Systems Studies of Basal Ganglia Circuitry : Los Angeles, CA, United States

Our labs (PIs: Drs. X. William Yang, Larry Zipursky, and Kathrin Plath) atUCLA are initiating a joint research project to assess the cellular and molecular complexity of basal ganglia neurons, and to evaluate their molecular phenotypes during motor skill learning or under pathological behavioral conditions. We are seeking talented and highly motivated postdoctoral fellows to join in this effort. This project is part of a larger neuroscience initiative at UCLA to study the biological underpinnings of depression. We are looking for individuals who are interested in integrating sophisticated molecular profiling methods (e.g. RNA-seq; chromatin analyses) with state-of-the-art computational/systems biology tools to study basal ganglia neural circuits that are critical to behaviors and psychiatric diseases. The trainee will have an exceptional opportunity to work with three labs that have complementary and synergistic expertise, and to interact with the broader and highly collaborative neuroscience, molecular and systems biology community at UCLA. We seek candidates who thrive on undertaking an interdisciplinary approach to studying mammalian brain biology and disease. Individuals who are ambitious, willing to take risks, and able to independently develop new approaches are highly encouraged to apply. Applicants must have a Ph.D., M.D. or both