



The research will include: sampling soil/litter fauna at different trophic levels, with focus on detritivores and predators (selected taxonomic groups), chemical analyses aimed at evaluation of stoichiometric relations involving 11 major nutritional elements; laboratory experiments on nutritional balances of selected soil/litter invertebrates aimed at estimation of growth (conversion) efficiencies and identification of stoichiometric thresholds between trophic levels; field experoiments with decomposition and measurements of soil respiration; advanced statistical analysis, using multivatiate methods and biodiversity analysis techniques, aimed at interpretation of the results in terms of community structure.


The postdoc will teach courses included in the curricula: Biology (in Polish), Biology and geography (in Polish), Environmental Protection (in Polish), Ecology and Evolution (in English), PhD Study (In English).

Namely, the courses General ecology (classes), soil ecology (classes, field instructions), Methods of field research in natural sciences; Biogeochemistry (conversatoria), Statistics (classes), Advanced statistics (classes); Terrestrial ecosystems (field and laboratory classes, project supervision), Ecosystem ecology and biodiversity (demonstrations and classes, Ph.D.course, English)

This job comes from a partnership with Science Magazine and Euraxess