


The project involves development of a novel ultrafast fiber laser, which aims to go substantially beyond the state of the art. Additional details can be discussed by contacting Prof. Ilday.


Host Institution Ultrafast Optics and Lasers Laboratory (UFOLAB) at Bilkent University, Turkey For additional info, visit http://ufolab.bilkent.edu.tr UFOLAB is well-known for its pioneering work in ultrafast fiber lasers. Interested candidates are invited to visit the web page and browse the list of publications. The position will be funded through the project "Ultrafast 3D Micromachining for Solar Cells", but the intended work reaches beyond the original goals of the project. Who are we looking for? We are looking for an experienced individual with expertise in development of high-power We are looking for an experienced individual with expertise in development of high-power and/or ultrafast laser systems. Prior experience working with fiber lasers is an additional asset, but is not required. Good theoretical understanding of laser physics in general and ultrafast optics in particular is desirable.


Initial appointment for 1 year, with possibility to extend to subsequent years. Gross compensation can be up to 40000€/year, depending on the level of experience of the candidate. Note that living costs in Ankara are lower (by a factor of ~2) than most European cities.

Additional Job Details

Please send a detailed CV, a brief research statement that addresses the job description, and a list of three references to ilday@bilkent.edu.tr.