


In a European FP7 project SCM has a job opening available immediately for a theoretical physicist or chemist with a talent for method and software development, to extend our Time-Dependent DFT capabilities to study the optical properties of two-dimensional systems such as MoS2.

The EU position offers attractive salary and benefits and SCM and the Theoretical Chemistry group form a stimulating experienced research environment for this topic.
The ideal candidate would be a theoretical physicist or chemist who has already programmed in large DFT codes and has a working knowledge of Time-Dependent DFT.

Eligibility criteria cap the research experience and impose that this is a first or perhaps second postdoc position.

Applications are welcomed at jobs@scm.com as soon as possible (absolute deadline January 31st 2015).

For further details, see: http://www.scm.com/PostDoc2D-TDDFT