


Postdoc/Researcher in Atmospheric CO2 Modelling : Lund, Sweden

The Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science at Lund University is seeking to appoint a Postdoc/Researcher with a strong background in atmospheric sciences, meteorology, applied mathematics or physics to work on high resolution atmospheric CO2 modelling.

The position is part of a project within the Swedish strategic research programme in e-Science eSSENCE (http://essenceofescience.se). It is in close collaboration with the Meteorology Group at the Department of Earth Science at Uppsala University, Sweden.

The project focuses on the development and set up of a high-resolution atmospheric modelling system around coupled Lagrangian (FLEXPART) – Eulerian (TM3) atmospheric transport models to simulate regional atmospheric CO2 concentrations over Northern Europe. This system will then be included in the carbon cycle inverse modelling activities at Lund University to set up an inversion system enabling improved quantification of local CO2 sources and sinks.

The position is embedded in the pan-European infrastructure Integrated Carbon Observation System (http://www.icos-infrastructure.eu) and the national ICOS – Sweden network (http://www.icos-sweden.se). The Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science plays a central role within ICOS and ICOS-SE.

The post will be available for 24 months, with a preferred starting date of 1 February 2015.

Closing date for applications: 29 December 2014