

Studying the molecular epigenetics of myelodysplastic syndromes and its progression to acute myeloid leukemia


Main Responsibilities: *To perform molecular as well as cellular studies * To analyze the influence of mutations in loss and gain of functions studies * FACS-monitored differentiation, ChIP-seq and transcriptomics * To validate key results will be validated in xenografts and in patient samples * To closely interact with clinicians and translational scientists at the IJC and hospital


* Salary according to qualifications and experience * The multidisciplinary research environment of the Campus Can Ruti * Working in a basic research group in tight collaboration with clinicians and translational researchers * Postdoctoral contract starting 2015, March 1

Additional Job Details

For the Chromatin, Metabolism and Cell fate Group of Dr. Marcus Buschbeck (IMPPC/IJC) in tight collaboration with the MDS specialized group of Dr. Francesc Solé (IJC) and Dr. Katharina Goetze (TU, Germany). For questions please contact: mbuschbeck@imppc.org