

In the frame of the new formed “Metallic Biomaterial Center” the position focuses on the development of implant prototypes. The applicant will be in charge to develop scientific ideas to produce biodegradable metallic implant materials, and to supervise, document and improve all processing steps necessary to guarantee reproducible production of implant materials (e.g. screws or plates).


The Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, near Hamburg, and in Teltow, near Berlin, conducts materials and coastal research. You can find more information at www.hzg.de. Our Institute for Materials Research is offering a Post Doc Position (m/f) for a 3 years period (starting latest 01.01.2015). Content of work: In the frame of the new formed “Metallic Biomaterial Center” the position focuses on the development of implant prototypes. The applicant will be in charge to develop scientific ideas to produce biodegradable metallic implant materials, and to supervise, document and improve all processing steps necessary to guarantee reproducible production of implant materials (e.g. screws or plates). We invite applicants with a PhD degree in materials science or related areas who have worked scientifically in the production, processing and characterization of light metals (ideally in the area of magnesium alloys). Experience in the field of biomaterials and knowledge in quality management of medical products is highly welcome. Candidates should be used to work in a self-responsible and creative manner, eager to learn new things and to push science to new limits. This requires a fast perception of new knowledge, working interdisciplinary and establishing new links between research approaches of different disciplines and own research task. The applicant should prove to have well developed management and leadership skills. This position which is hosted in the environment of interdisciplinarity and internationality of a large research facility would suit a creative person with a good command of English who likes to work in a team but is also capable of working independently on a topic. Basic knowledge of German is advantageous. We offer an appropriate salary related to TV-AVH as well as the usual public sector social benefits. The advancement of equality at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht goes without saying; in particular, we are striving to increase the percentage of women in the science sector. Severely disabled persons with equal qualifications will be considered preferentially within the framework of legal requirements. Please send your application indicating job offer code no. 2014/WP 6 by email including a CV which explains the scientific background with respect to the required position including copies of university certificates, a list of skills which were acquired during university and PhD position or elsewhere, a documentation of your English skills (e.g. by a TOEFL, IELTS or an equivalent test), pdf of PhD thesis and a list of publications to our human resources (personal@hzg.de). Closing date for applications is September, 17th, 2014


We offer an appropriate salary related to TV-AVH as well as the usual public sector social benefits. The advancement of equality at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht goes without saying; in particular, we are striving to increase the percentage of women in the science sector. Severely disabled persons with equal qualifications will be considered preferentially within the framework of legal requirements.