


MRC Postdoctoral Scientist : London, United Kingdom

MRC Postdoctoral Scientist
Quantitative Cell Biology Laboratory
3 years fixed-term
£33,375 pa inclusive London
(Plus £1,000 settlement allowance and annual training allowances)

Applications are invited for a 3-year post-doctoral research position in the newly established Quantitative Cell Biology laboratory at the Clinical Sciences Centre (CSC) in Imperial College London. The CSC is a multi-disciplinary, highly collaborative research centre funded by the Medical Research Council (MRC). It offers state of the art core facilities, which include light-microscopy and high-resolution microscopy, proteomics and stem cell/transgenics services. For more information, please visit www.csc.mrc.ac.uk.

The Quantitative Cell Biology laboratory headed by Dr Silvia Santos is a new addition to the Epigenetics section at the CSC. The group’s research program combines multi-disciplinary approaches (including advanced live-cell imaging and chemical biology, biochemistry and molecular cell biology and mathematical modelling) to explore spatial-temporal control principles and remodelling of regulatory networks during cell decision-making.

We are looking for a highly motivated, creative and careful thinker candidate who enjoys working in a collaborative environment. The post holder will investigate spatio-temporal control principles in cell-cycle regulation. The proposed project will involve quantitative single cell live-imaging and mass spectrometry approaches, using mammalian cell lines and embryonic stem cells. The successful applicant must hold a PhD in a Life Sciences discipline or in Systems Biology. A strong experimental background and an interest for quantitative approaches will be an asset. No previous computational expertise is expected. Previous experience with stem cells and/or cell biology approaches is preferred.

This post is an MRC Postdoctoral Scientist to support post-doctoral training and help establish successful research scientists in their chosen field. During the fellowship tenure we are committed to provide mentorship for career development and improvement of communication skills. We also offer a highly attractive benefits package including competitive salary and salary pension scheme.

Applications are handled by the RCUK Shared Services Centre: to apply please visit our job board at http://www.topcareer.jobs. Please include a CV, a brief cover letter (describing research interests and motivation for the position) and the names and contact information of 2 academic references. Please do not send reference letters at this stage. Applicants who would like to receive this advert in an alternative format (e.g. large print, Braille, audio or hard copy), or who are unable to apply online should contact us by telephone on 01793 867000, please quote reference number IRC150734.

Closing date: 27th July 2014